Volume 9, Issue 15 (6-2024)                   KJMS 2024, 9(15): 11-16 | Back to browse issues page

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Jawad M J. Prevalence and Influencing Factors of Gastritis in Alemi Hospital, Kabul in 2023. KJMS 2024; 9 (15) :11-16
URL: http://kjms.knu.edu.af/article-1-47-en.html
Abstract:   (41 Views)
Introduction: Gastritis, or inflammation of the stomach lining, is a common gastrointestinal disorder that has significant impacts on overall health and can lead to more severe conditions such as peptic ulcers and stomach cancer. This study aims to assess the prevalence and associated factors of gastritis.
Materials and Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study on gastritis was conducted among patients at Alemi Hospital in Kabul during the first half of 2023. The study population included patients who were diagnosed with gastritis during this period. Demographic data (age, gender) and potential risk factors were collected and analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics software.
Results: Out of 250 patients who presented with symptoms of gastritis, 100 were diagnosed with the condition. The majority (42%) of these patients were aged between 41 and 60 years. Men accounted for 60% of the gastritis cases, while women made up 40%. Helicobacter pylori infection was identified as the primary factor, affecting 50% of the patients. Additionally, 27% of the patients used NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), of whom 23% were also positive for H. pylori and were NSAID users.
Conclusion: This study indicates a significant prevalence of gastritis, particularly among adults, with Helicobacter pylori infection being a major contributing factor. The findings emphasize the need for targeted public health interventions, including the management of H. pylori infections and cautious use of NSAIDs to reduce the prevalence of gastritis in the population.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2025/01/5 | Accepted: 2024/06/19 | Published: 2024/06/19

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